My Cat fam in this area. They do surveillance, and make fun of luce. This is hard on Luce, who has to be nice and not bite them.

  Domino's other duty is watching everyone to make sure everything is fair, because he is very intense about this subject and sometimes insightful. He is easily miffed and kind of immature and will rip up your plants if he thinks you don't give him enough attention. Do NOT tell him I said this, he'll get mad at me again. He thinks I give mittens unfair amounts of support.

Domino gets very upset that mittens gets attention when he is very affectionate, always comes when called, and follows the rules. He is very rule-oriented and freaks out if the rules are ever bent, are inconsistent, or not followed. He will never understand why anyone EVER pets mittens when she breaks the no-killing rule, and he follows it. He is lazy, and very good at getting people to like him, if you meet him, you will instantly adore him, without question. (Everyone does, unless they just aren't cat people.)

Another way to say this is that he is sensitive, loving, and believes in a fair and equal society where everyone lives under the same rules and there is no special protection for anyone. He sometimes is so convinced he's right that he does the opposite of what he believes.

He is interested in being the first housecat gardener, and helped plant beans and thin them. He also is interested in painting and has done some ink on paper with paws.
 He's very handsome, super fluffy, not very athletic, and everyone teases him because he is the cutest and apparently that pisses people off.

Mitten's other duty is recruiting bobcats and mountain lions, to hang out in the woods and kill people who attack the family. She mostly stays out of sight, is reclusive, not affectionate (except possibly to people no one likes, bobcats, mountain lions, and demons). She breaks the no-killing rule sometimes and tries to justify it by claiming it is hardcoded into her to eat other creatures.
 She is a little miffed that she is a house-cat and not a mountain lion.
She is training to be the first house cat to take down a deer. A fawn. This spring. She watched the humans and found out where the jugular was last hunting season. I coach her, but I also tell the fawns not to sleep in the valley.
She doesn't give a fuck if you like her or not.
She hates cages. A lot.  Will not hold grudges, unless it's about being put in a cage.
She is not very pretty, but is fit,strong, smart, and brave and good at subterfuge. Her body is awkward and lanky.
She actually got us a big cat to join the team, which was surprising. I didn't think there were actually any in this area.

Both cats are active members of cat patrol. Cat patrol's current duty is to fight invisible demons and real life villains who attempt to hurt the family. They have prevented several house fires among other things and patrol the house to catch demons. Lucy is in charge of biting humans that get ghosts inside of them, when found, unless they are good ghosts that help XD and not the ghosts that make the fire traps.

Sometimes happy-go-lucky, the white ghost dog, comes back from the grave to do extra guard duty, and we are always happy to see her. She was the one that informed us that it was a ghost inside of humans that was killing people and starting fires in the area. The ghost killed her mortal body, but she comes back sometimes, and we give her special ghost treats while she is in lucy's body to tell us things. Also sometimes it is just nice to see her, even though we didn't know her for very long before she died.

We don't know how to fight the ghost yet, we are just aware that it is driving inside of other people's bodies.


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