Showing posts from 2020
Head practice
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Drawing of someone I knew. ---------- Quotations from betty Edwards book. Try this. Read that book. XD It's terrifying. “Simply by observing eye dominance, which is determined by language location in the brain and is fairly easy to detect--Looking at a person’s face, simply focus your direct gaze first on one eye and then shift your gaze to the other eye. In general, the eye controlled by the dominant verbal hemisphere (it may be the left or the right eye, depending on the individual’s brain organization is wider open, brighter, and appears to be listening to the words being spoken.” “The subdominant eye (usually the left eye) can appear to be almost oblivious to the words being spoken, as though it has given up trying. With other speakers, it is comforting to observe non-dominant eyes that are still alert and participating.” “Try this, but carefully: When face-to-face in conversation with someone, locate and gaze into the subdominant eye. The person is li...
Nuclear fishtopia top
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Original top/header image for most accounts. -------- Definitions of words I couldn’t define off the top of my head when reading through: Ablated: To have surgically removed diseased or unwanted tissue from the body Verisimilitude: Ver-i-sim-il-itude. The appearance of seeming real or true. A paradox: “Something absurd or contradictory: A statement, proposition or situation that seems to be absurd or contradictory but in fact is or may be true.” 2. “A self-contradictory statement: A statement or proposition that contradicts itself.”
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XD Trying to redraw something from memory and stuffy with the right person in it BUT SOMEONE ELSE KEPT FUCKING DRAWING HIMSELF INTO THE PLACE. XD Finally beat this. Past attempt. -------------- More notes from reading 'Drawing on the right side of the brain' Left brain: “It has problems with mirror images (the vase/faces drawing) and refused to deal with upside down information (the drawing of stravinsky) It rejects ultra slow, complex perceptions (pure and modified contour drawing). On Magic/mediation/flow: “Putting this skill into words is something like trying to teach someone in words how to dance the tango. Once sighting is understood, however, it is purely perceptual and most engaging because it unlocks three-dimensional space” (One had no pictures or shapes, at least while studying it, the other was only seeing shapes and magnets and feeling forces.) I think my right brain sabotages my left more often: Right brain furiously attempts to ...
Three Mushrooms with eyes.
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Old concept. Redrawn it a few times yet, not gotten it to where I want it. ------------- Drawing as access to meditative states or Right brain flow: “I needed to find a way to keep this from happening--a way to enable the right hemisphere to “come forward” to draw.” “This required finding a strategy to set aside the left hemisphere.” “One is speed: Which hemisphere gets to the job the quickest? A second way is motivation: Which hemisphere cares most or likes the task the best?” “As a side benefit, this cognitive shift results in a marvelous state of being, a highly focused, singularly attentive, deeply engaging, wordless, timeless, productive and mentally restorative state.” “The right hemisphere state of mind is notably desirable and productive--sometimes called the “zone” in atheletic terms.” “It helps to know that the slight change in awareness or consciousness that occurs in drawing is not that unusual. You may have observed in yourself other sli...
Horse Logo concept
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From august last year. Logo concept. --------------- Web-Braining "hanging ideas on hooks with multiple touch points in case you lose a thought thread." “Transfer of learning can be “near transfer” or “far transfer” An example of near transfer of drawing skills might be students drawing various types of bird beaks in a science class to memorize and identify them. An example of far transfer might be students extrapolating from that experience to study and understand the evolution of bird beaks. Alan Kay, famed for his innovative computer science contributions, has stated that the concept of negative spaces is essential to computer programming--an elegant example of “far transfer”” Look even smart people say good things about art sometimes. XD
Fern Logo
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Old Logo Concept from a while ago. ----------- Collection of quotes I found in 'Drawing on the RIght side of the brain' by betty edwards. art teaching: “The most significant requirement is a teacher who knows how to draw, knows how to teach the basic perceptual skills of drawing, and knows how to transfer those skills to other domains.” “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” -Oh einstein again. “...with time for solitary thought. Silence is a rare commodity in modern classrooms.” “It does seem that often in american education, fast is judged to be better, even when it isn’t.” “The right hemisphere exists in the moment, in a timeless, implicit world, where things are buried in context, and complicated outlooks are constantly changing ...the competitive left hemisphere tends to jump quickly into a task, bringing language to bear.” “Learning observation is best done by drawing--best not only becau...
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Dinosaur Logo concept from a while ago. Check out www.vectr.com, it's pretty useful. ------------ Hard code vs. A brain that is like a muscle. “This conception of a plastic brain, a brain that constantly changes with experience, that can reorganize and transmute and even develop new cells and new cell connections, is in direct contrast to previous judgements of the human brain as being more akin to a hard-wired machine, with it’s parts genetically determined and unchangeable except for developments in early childhood and deterioration in old age.” -Quote from the betty edwards book.
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Evolving Aurus. I liked this character a ton, but never got the chance to draw him in the way I wanted too. https://www.deviantart.com/axlreigns One of these characters. ----------- https://www.drawright.com/ Real world examples of Left brain/right brain concepts that make sense: “The recent banning of texting while driving illustrates the problem of the brain’s difficulty in simultaneously processing two modes of information” “Verbal distractions, like cell phone conversation or texting while driving, are proving to be so distracting and dangerous they are banned in some cities and states.” This one made a lot of sense to me--If you are driving, it should be mostly a visual and spatial task. If left brain (which the science supports, but I didn’t research all the cited articles, so testing it against what I actually know from being alive.), use switches you out of spatial and visual mode, then it would make sense that it would effect your ability (besid...
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Quotations from: https://www.drawright.com/ Go buy that book. Take her class. Particularly if you 'don't draw' or think you can't.' Art and education: “My aim is to prove the means for releasing that potential, for gaining access at a conscious level to your inventive, intuitive powers that may have been largely untapped by our verbal, technological culture and education system.” “...Not coincidence that as drawing and creative arts in general have steadily diminished in school curricula since mid twentieth century, the educational achievement of students in the united states has likewise diminished, to the point we now rank behind singapore, taiwan, japan, the republic of korea, hong kong, sweden, the netherlands, hungary, and slovenia.”
Pink Ninja Llama
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Pink Ninja Llama again. ---------------- five concepts Perception of borders, boundaries, edges, lines. Perceptions of values--Lights and Shadows, dark and light, and their use and shift. Perceptions of space Perceptions of relationships--How things are situated next to other things. The gestalt (naturally emerging whole) The concepts are pretty solid and the exercises will move you.
Christmas Llama
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Old commission from someone on llama land. ----------------- “The true subject is perception.” The book teaches you how to see what’s there. Actually there. “I needed to find exercises that would cause a cognitive shift to the right hemisphere--a shift similar to that caused by upside-down drawing: Tricking the dominant left-hemisphere into dropping out of the task.” --Betty Edwards. I think this encapsulates the entire book. It becomes a game, a gambit (I lose at playing most often yet, or do not yet understand it’s entirety), but at some point you begin to see and it’s a little interesting. If you have much fear, or often find yourself afraid, it is perhaps best not to think about the perceptions and just do the exercises and draw. The things you will see are not for the faint hearted or the easily terrified mind. Just get chill as fuck and maybe psychically scream a fuck ton and it’ll work out. Don’t scream in real life, it’ll disturb the peace and they’ll ...
Another old couple of concepts from a story I want to draw well.
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Couple of characters from a story that I need to draw really well and were part of the whole 'learn art' dealio. --------------------- Notes from reading and working through drawing on the right side of the brain: Last year I was studying coding shit for websites. Realized that without a non-corrupt computer there was no way to verify if what I learned was completely fabricated bullshit or not, so quit trying and studied art. Read it and worked through it and learned a lot. If you think it is impossible to draw, or like science, it’s the book for you. If you struggle with faces or perspective, you will improve a ton from working the exercises, as they are written in it. Huge fan of it. The science in it is fascinating. The book is “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”. The author and magic is Betty Edwards. Highly recommend with an open mind. A closed mind, probably nothing will come of it.
old sketch
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Probably posted this before, but a sketch I made a while ago for part of a story that came into my brain in 2016. --------- Notes from reading and working through drawing on the right side of the brain: Last year I was studying coding shit for websites. Realized that without a non-corrupt computer there was no way to verify if what I learned was completely fabricated bullshit or not, so quit trying and studied art. Read it and worked through it and learned a lot. If you think it is impossible to draw, or like science, it’s the book for you. If you struggle with faces or perspective, you will improve a ton from working the exercises, as they are written in it. Huge fan of it. The science in it is fascinating. The book is “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”. The author and magic is Betty Edwards. Highly recommend with an open mind. A closed mind, probably nothing will come of it.
Sketch from several years ago made digital
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Old sketch, newer in digital but still pretty old. ----------------- Deviantart In platform analytics (Eclipse) Comparing how your pieces do (assuming you don’t have a crowd of people that specifically like, upvote, and share pieces you do that are laughably bad following you) can help determine where the energy is best spent. If you do have the shame and embarassment police after you, then just be aware that your popular pieces are misleading and use your eye. Quick have we looked at anything embarassing? Nope. Avoided reading anything we would be embarassed by, namely, anything that shows our feelings XD haha at least the ones we still have hidden. The most horrifying thought: People being aware of your loneliness. Like it’s some terrifying shame. XD Porn, eh, I don’t really look at it but if it pops up whatever. Not embarassed by that. Looking stupid, that’s fine for the most part, pretty sure we haven’t stopped looking like some one who is a complete idiot...
Drawing off my cats
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Cats came and posed a lot. --------------- Noted ways people pushed up watchers: Watch for watch (used myself XD stopped after a few cause wellp, +watched someone that posted stuff that made me uncomfortable, and no interaction and It wasn’t what I was personally looking for with this account at time.and then was like, wellllll fuck. XD crow rules: No takebacksies, for at least a month and then if they post or do stuff that makes you uncomfortable, leave them a note to know why and that it’s not personal and unwatch.) Paid for watches (XD I am more interested in finding and using the hubs to be paid to watch but, if you had say an art student, and they had a good product, and you wanted to boost them, it makes sense) Forum interaction and sharing with heavy socialization (Curious if there was other in that--went from 0 to 500 in a month. Was impressive. Or 300. If it was just the collectiing and sharing of other people’s art, that is cool and...
Male portrait practice
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I finally remembered the color of your eyes. heh. Kept trying to draw this person a few years ago when I was around them, and someone else I knew kept substituting himself into the drawing, which is fine, but as a personal challenge I spent a lot of time trying to draw this guy and get him into paper and out of my heart and soul. Someone I loved dearly, but was terrible at loving. Heh. ------------ Crow: After seeing about 10-20 posts where people celebrate certain milemarks of watchers (gamifiers, often the people that use watch for watch and similar) it’s really a weird trend. I understand that it worked well in gaming talkers for the first people that used it, and if people buy into it and support who they’re pushing up I get the ‘joyous celebrate’ but when it shows up a bunch it’s just weird. *I may be grumpy and old in saying this. XD I may just be lacking in joy so the exclamation points after it just make me O_o.
Old sketch made into old drawing
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From a while ago. =) ---------------------- Can you tell a paid fan from a non-paid fan? Wellp I was rather surprised to find youtube’s product revviews in that maybe fake thing were written by created accounts that were rather like this one, or by people that wrote like they were a ‘created character who LOVES FOOTBALL and is ALL AMERICAN’ That was visible and detectable. Weird. In terms of one that just ‘likes’ things or faves stuff, eh probably not on average. Are you a bot? Maybe. What difference does running a month of ads have? What market would you pick, local or global, why? Wellp: WHAT ARE PRICE RANGES FOR A MONTH THE MINIMUM YOU CAN SPEND ON TWITTER, GOOGLE, And Pinterest. How do you feel about the ethics of buying fans? Generally I feel like it contributes to an imbalance in the world that supports ugly, and I’d rather talent+hard work won out, but I also think it is the norm for those that rise to the top or have control. ...
Crossbones Axlreigns
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https://www.deviantart.com/axlreigns Stories from these characters can be found at the link above. ------------------ What do you think when you see an artist that has a poor product compared to others and tons of fans? That they have something else about them that makes them valuable. (Lord trigunstar is an example of this. XD I don’t know what the fuck they do, but their artwork is laced with fucking happiness somehow. Just go look at it. XD You’ll feel happier, no idea why, not mocking, it’s just like some fucking happy ass person or something. Would watch for that, and that alone. ) They have strong product in a different area. (Maybe they’re super popular for something they do that isn’t art and that network is also on the art site.) They are good networkers or nice people so people watch them, or they get watchers by how they interact with people. And the most likely: XD Watch for watch or paid for, or they pay for people’s interactions w...