Another old couple of concepts from a story I want to draw well.

Couple of characters from a story that I need to draw really well and were part of the whole 'learn art' dealio.

Notes from reading and working through drawing on the right side of the brain:

Last year I was studying coding shit for websites. Realized that without a non-corrupt computer there was no way to verify if what I learned was completely fabricated bullshit or not, so quit  trying and studied art. Read it and worked through it and learned a lot.

 If you think it is impossible to draw, or like science, it’s the book for you. If you struggle with faces or perspective, you will improve a ton from working the exercises, as they are written in it. Huge fan of it. The science in it is fascinating.

The book is “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”. The author and magic is Betty Edwards. 

Highly recommend with an open mind. A closed mind, probably nothing will come of it.


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