Old sketch made into old drawing

From a while ago. =)


Can you tell a paid fan from a non-paid fan?

Wellp I was rather surprised to find youtube’s product revviews in that maybe fake thing were written by created accounts that were rather like this one, or by people that wrote like they were a ‘created character who LOVES FOOTBALL and is ALL AMERICAN’  That was visible and detectable. Weird. In terms of one that just ‘likes’ things or faves stuff, eh probably not on average. Are you a bot? Maybe. 

What difference does running a month of ads have? What market would you pick, local or global, why?


How do you feel about the ethics of buying fans? 

Generally I feel like it contributes to an imbalance in the world that supports ugly, and I’d rather talent+hard work won out, but I also think it is the norm for those that rise to the top or have control.

 In a capitalist system, is is expected that anything that can be bought and sold including loyalty or fans will be, and so it is ethical within the constraints of our current system. Because it is part of a capitalist system and a fan can be considered a paid employee, it is normal and probably just a part of any operating business mind.  It’s a different way to think about it, but it is exactly what the giant corporations do and have done. There is no reason or ethical caveat for the small not being able to do the same thing as the advertisers and paid promoters have done for companies for years. It’s what drug salesmen are paid to do to doctors. It is a normal and expected part of business to pay people to court and seduce customers (paids fans should just be ITS FLIRTING I don’t care if you call it ‘Playing golf’ it’s flirting it’s the same thing as flirting. 
Here doctor let me take you out to dinner and go for a nice so on. Leave some samples, a little kokua, It’s normal business. It should be openly known that it is common practice, that’s the ethical caveat.

Is combining forces with several people in a similar position the same thing? If so, why? If not, why?

This is the working class version of what big companies have always paid people to do. It is also the chance working class peons have to be even moderately competitive on their own. Or without allegiance of big money.


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