Christmas Llama

Old commission from someone on llama land.

“The true subject is perception.”

The book teaches you how to see what’s there. Actually there.

“I needed to find exercises that would cause a cognitive shift to the right hemisphere--a shift similar to that caused by upside-down drawing: Tricking the dominant left-hemisphere into dropping out of the task.” --Betty Edwards.

I think this encapsulates the entire book. It becomes a game, a gambit (I lose at playing most often yet, or do not yet understand it’s entirety), but at some point you begin to see and it’s a little interesting. 

If you have much fear, or often find yourself afraid, it is perhaps best not to think about the perceptions and just do the exercises and draw. The things you will see are not for the faint hearted or the easily terrified mind. Just get chill as fuck and maybe psychically scream a fuck ton and it’ll work out. Don’t scream in real life, it’ll disturb the peace and they’ll call the police.

“Over time, probably due to brain plasticity, the sabotage will lessen and the need for trickery diminish.” 


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