XD Trying to redraw something from memory and stuffy with the right person in it BUT SOMEONE ELSE KEPT FUCKING DRAWING HIMSELF INTO THE PLACE.
XD Finally beat this. Past attempt.
More notes from reading 'Drawing on the right side of the brain'
Left brain:
“It has problems with mirror images (the vase/faces drawing) and refused to deal with upside down information (the drawing of stravinsky) It rejects ultra slow, complex perceptions (pure and modified contour drawing).
On Magic/mediation/flow:

“Putting this skill into words is something like trying to teach someone in words how to dance the tango. Once sighting is understood, however, it is purely perceptual and most engaging because it unlocks three-dimensional space”

(One had no pictures or shapes, at least while studying it, the other was only seeing shapes and magnets and feeling forces.)

I think my right brain sabotages my left more often:

Right brain furiously attempts to prevent more left braining and get back outside.
 Right brain is all like, no dude, I know you, you are gonna get super invested in this and we won’t go outside for a fucking year. And it will only be the stuff you hate doing. We’ll sit in rooms of stale air and we could be out there! Living!

Left brain: No dude we live in a world where left brains are valued fucking stop listening to your body. 


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