Crossbones Pirates


  1. Watch for watch is interesting in this regard.

Why is it good? 
Certain features related to monetization or analytics features are unlocked at certain viewer or interaction numbers. If you have a need or vested interest, it is less work to use watch for watch to reach those levels and be able to use those features. For monetization purposes, you probably want to actually be doing the work to get real fans because they’ll be the ones that buy products. I’m sure for viewership money, you can run an elaborate scam that pays out using a bunch of bots and watch for watch somehow, which is probably the smart thing to chase, but we’re not doing that.

Why is it bad?

It’s increases likelihood that popularity and deceit control the world as opposed to creations of true merit. That mediocrity, not skill and hard work, and people that truly contribute, win, which will eventually remove the amount of people that actually take the time, the work, to develop great skill sets. (Reduces motivations and levers for people to do the right thing and increases motivations for cheating. It is the world we live in. Smart people who are also ethical do both.)

 Is it different than paying for watchers or fan presence? 

It has the same effect on the world, but it does benefit the ruling class more to pay for watchers. XD Protelariats probably watch for watch, the hegemony can afford to pay for it.

When you look at two comparable artists in level who have wildly different numbers of fans what impression do you have of their ability?

Personally, if I see someone with a lot, especially before knowing about watch for watch, I assume they are more powerful or have more contacts, and probably deserve more respect.  (Because of the assumption that they would have those watchers or that fan base genuinely and thus have social captital that they worked for an earned (respectable) Knowing about watch for watch, less so.


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