Crossbones Axlreigns

Stories from these characters can be found at the link above.

What do you think when you see an artist that has a poor product compared to others and tons of fans?  

  1. That they have something else about them that makes them valuable. (Lord trigunstar is an example of this. XD I don’t know what the fuck they do, but their artwork is laced with fucking happiness somehow. Just go look at it. XD You’ll feel happier, no idea why, not mocking, it’s just like some fucking happy ass person or something.  Would watch for that, and that alone. )
  2. They have strong product in a different area. (Maybe they’re super popular for something they do that isn’t art and that network is also on the art site.)
  3. They are good networkers or nice people so people watch them, or they get watchers by how they interact with people.
  4. And the most likely: XD Watch for watch or paid for, or they pay for people’s interactions with them.


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