
Showing posts from March, 2020

31. Mutant guinea pig happily shitting.

Sorry didn't mean to watch that.  Also your happy shitting face is cute. I wish you many happy shits in the future. ----------------- Niche importance examples: Looking at adoptables is a pretty good example. The ones that, on brief (very) research over the last few days that sold consistently at decent prices seemed to have in common this: They had a very specific type (My little pony, anime figures of a specific type,) and all the posts on that account, if not adoptables themselves, were related art of their characters in the same style they sold. (Not a bunch of semi-developed artwork in varying subjects, self.) Makes sense, cause when you go to someone's page liking a certain artwork and then you get there and it's very different stuff, it's really less appealing to follow them.  Adoptables examples of strong niche:

30. Mutant guinea Pig Chilling

Mutant guinea pig is very smart, apparently, which is rather awkward sometimes as we forget they can hear us and think and sort of talk. Formally apologize to you mutant guinea pig. Sorry was a prick. I forget about the mutant part. -------------- How people are presenting: Creative use of available space --Very strong presentation, they aren’t the strongest in their art always, but the combined presentation is lovely. Scary part of this is the shutting down of originals and co-opting. Also, er, try not to mimic the actual doing of a unique presentation cause it’s shitty. In terms of using the available space to present in a unique way that is distinctive and smart. Collection of Other different takes on Presentation: I really liked what this person did

29. Mutant guinea pig hovering.

More playing with the concept of the mutant guinea pig. What I know so far: She's female. She's green. She can hover, cling to ceilings, glow in the dark,  and move really quickly. She got mutated in the same chemical spill as the cats in cat patrol did, but she doesn't live at the same place as cat patrol cats do. ------------------------- Freaking out with myself about Niche For me at least A must, otherwise we're just gonna post a bunch of random ass easily distracted by the first shiny and interesting idea we see today or tomorrow and that rapidly turns into having 17 million shiny and interesting ideas we would like to look at closely and collect, and then the nest is full, and overflowing, and some drop out, and then we lose the ones that are the shiniest and most interesting in the mess.  SO: Niche: What you want to post since you KNOW you will get distracted as fuck and post random things. AND you KNOW that if you post some random thing witho...

28. Mutant guinea pig on the ceiling

Mutant guinea pig was a redraw from a paper sketch a while ago, played around with it a bit to close out the page in vectr. Oh. Vectr. Random app that was top of the search engines when I searched for free online non-downloadable art programs. It was cool. Downside, downloaded something anyway and they ended up getting hacked a lot apparently cause I was there. Highly recommend if you are trying to make art online without a stylus. It's easier to get your forms without trying to learn new muscle memory at the same time in your fingers.

27. The mythical rabbit fish.

---------------------- Original rabbit fish concept attempt on vector from a long time ago. Rework after gesture video and a lot more practice.  Looking for a professional Ad campaign We were still studying spanish at this time related to understanding the conversations around us at the time of the rape, and since we were using duolingo we searched for ‘duolingo’ on pinterest and screenshotted the results to look at them. Allright so: Cutesy owl stalks and hunts you down as message. It’s characterization of an anthropromorphic spokeperson that is animated and illustrated to reiterate the fact that the app reminds you daily and has heavy insistence on continuing daily use, told as a story and released through pins. Key takeaway: Relatable, can riff off of what users are already complaining about. Leverage the negative. If it’s a common complaint, it may make it into the feed and make others ask what it is, or at least know name. It makes the se...

26. not llamas

Ninja Llamas poster. May be repeating. XD Next round maybe we'll have this less chaotic. Maybe there won't be a next round with this set of accounts. Who knows. Upside, we'll have until june to prepare for the next round. Downside: We have a crap ton of other things to focus on so the likelihood we'll hit this well is low. Who knows. NINJA LLLAMAAA ------------------- Thoughts on ways around the heavy amounts of interference on our computers to be able to get a job again You consistently miss details and leave messy bits. This makes you look like not a bot or a professional, but it doesn’t look like you particularly care about what you are doing so if you are trying to sell to anyone serious it would be off putting. It suggests they’d give you money and get a semi-finished product, with obvious easy mistakes left in like you don’t care. If it’s because of hacking that you get tired of trying to fix small details cause the hackers make them worse whe...

25. Old attempt to draw someone

Sketches, older, didn't use before. Of my cat.  ----------------------- Applied takeaways from doing that on our Account After we did that we looked at our accounts (which we’ll talk about later, cause that was it’s own fucking problem with our easily distracted brain.) These are the problems we found on our account (The absintheart) Inconsistent across platforms: You are sharing different things in slightly different styles on all the platforms with the same name. If someone finds you, you probably want them to be able to recommend the same style to wherever, or follow for the same thing wherever, any platform. At the time of this writing, we're still doing that, but it's all sort of in our 'niche' XD haha. The top is missing a cover, the side panel is messy and disorganized, and your presented art is of varying styles. If you are looking to build a following, you maybe don’t want to be all over the place with an ugly landing pag...

24. Llamas

Found this Video on gesture drawing: Which is really helpful. You can watch it with the sound off, and it will still help. *I'm not very good at it, but it definitely improved my drawing. The character in this belongs to: Kingsley. Drew him as part of an art trade for a picture of my chaos crow. =) -------------- Studying Others Since we knew relatively nothing about this topic, were strongly interested in improving both our art and how we presented ourselves, we picked three artists that we found and liked the product of in our first few months on deviantart to observe, see if we could mimic or learn from, and think about how a person would go about promoting. The three we liked were: Each of the three was at a slightly different stage of development an...

23. Llamas

Pink ninja llama doing a modelling pose. Unbelievably cute when she does that. All perky and shit. Don't tell her I said that. -----  In platform research to think about your landing page and product Use trending and popular pages on the platform to examine whatever format is ‘popular’ and or topic. Check for what shows thematically in the popular pin/image/format. This can also allow you to identify in platform abuse if you start noticing that different people in smaller settings are not getting displayed in the same manner while paying (or not paying) for the same product.  If you are interested in standing out, this will let you see what is common so you can begin to think of a way to use what you have to be the uncommon or unusual one that people click on.

22. Llamas

Pink Ninja Llama headshot. Pink ninja llama is chubby, cute, light on her feet, sparkles, bounces around with cheer and happiness, and is weirdly ninja skilled in a way you would not expect from someone so loud, happy, fluffy, and cute. ----------------------- Examining Landing Page It’s worth doing this from an anonymous or incognito window (and from a computer that they don't know you have access to if you can. Found out from using my brother's computer a few years ago that all the job postings I was seeing were not what other people saw and that most of what my computer was showing me wasn't what you would see from a diffferent one. Fought it, switched computers, several times, no good, I didn't know enough to keep them out.) if you suspect interference in platform, as well as to be aware what outsiders see when they first arrive (with or without an account:) From logged out, From logged in  For us, We're not looking to get into ...

21. Llamas

Ninja llama got shaved. He looks almost the same, just slightly more buff than I was expecting under the fluff. ----------------- Landing Page We found the term ‘Landing Page’ and didn’t know what it meant exactly, so here’ a definition, if you’re like us: Landing Page: Refers to a page that your audience, visitors, anyone that searches for your account name first opens or ‘lands on’ when approaching you or your product. Your front page, the top of your instagram page, your facebook profile, so on. That would be your landing page. It’s the most important part of your presentation, ‘cause if you do anything else to bring people or advertise, the first impression matters. Homework: Go cruise through a bunch of random pages. Find a random art page generator, or a way to be randomly exposed to different art pages. After or during the cruise through, think about whether you clicked around more or not. Favorite the pages you clicked around more, a few, and a few that...

20. Llamas

Ninja llama leaping. He insists it is -not- prancing, and he's probably right. ------------------------------------------- Niche → Presentation: Trying to narrow down your accounts interests and actions kind of leads into talking about presentation. If you have decided on a niche (In our case, we sort of have about 7-8 still, but for simplicities sake, let’s say: Learning art. You can make sure all of your accounts reflect both your strongest pieces, and what you are here to do. If it’s ‘Learning art’ You can select what audience, where to find similar people, who to promote or share, and where to look for people that might be interested in what you are doing.

19. Llamas

Ninja Llama concept. Apparently ninja llama wears red and black, unless he shaves. -------------- Commercialized account observations: A partial point of trying to develop and maintain a consistent character (Mostly a selection of things we were genuinely interested in and or consistently listened to or felt, just not all of our interests. Our character sheet is primarily us, with a bunch of aspects removed.) Which is also helpful for our brain which is interested in any and every idea that it knows nothing about, as we need to limit those interests now that we cannot pursue the ones we previously chose as our life due to physical weakness.)    was observations of accounts that ‘recommended’ products on a lot of platforms (including major ones) which appeared to be created shiny, politically clean, likable ‘characters’ as opposed to real people. We found one who ‘likes this football team’ and was very ‘all-american’, and was just too clean and perfect to be r...

18. Llamas

Apparently when I set this up, I posted this llama in twice. Or it's a progression. I forget, and I'm out of time to mess with this anymore, so it's going through. LLAMA ADVANCE. In duplicate. Or maybe it's a twin. Probably a twin. ----------------------- Character sheet: We attempted to make a character sheet for our efforts in this direction. XD This is it: The point was that we had learned enough about internet tracking that could and probably was used by our attackers to know that our habits (The sites we visited repeatedly, what we liked, so on could feasibly be used to find us and attack us if we got away and disappeared.) The more feasible option would be to pretend to be a male geek, cause our footprint is sometimes more similar to that, possibly, but in attempts to refine and constrain our varying interests, we wrote this set of accounts a character sheet. We want to draw:  Cute art. Cute versions of dark things. Graphic novels and comics...