29. Mutant guinea pig hovering.

More playing with the concept of the mutant guinea pig. What I know so far: She's female. She's green. She can hover, cling to ceilings, glow in the dark,  and move really quickly.

She got mutated in the same chemical spill as the cats in cat patrol did, but she doesn't live at the same place as cat patrol cats do.


Freaking out with myself about Niche

For me at least A must, otherwise we're just gonna post a bunch of random ass easily distracted by the first shiny and interesting idea we see today or tomorrow and that rapidly turns into having 17 million shiny and interesting ideas we would like to look at closely and collect, and then the nest is full, and overflowing, and some drop out, and then we lose the ones that are the shiniest and most interesting in the mess. 


Niche: What you want to post since you KNOW you will get distracted as fuck and post random things. AND you KNOW that if you post some random thing without thinking about it you’ll probably post something that hurts someone’s feels and then you’ll feel bad and then it’s a spiraling mess of hurt feelings and misery and oh no make it stooooopppp.

The ideal:
For efficiency purposes, it should be the same niche, same posts, across all platforms, that would be the shortest and easiest.
  • Less time constructing posts
  • Less have to check for political or other faux pas
  • Easier to measure impact of changes if most things stay constant

For Chaotic crows who are easily distracted and interested in many things:

  • Check this to make sure you stay on topic
  • Use individual pages to do some planning of your scheduling for your sort of different themes. Cause then if you have scheduled far enough in advance you have lead time to catch yourself before you trip over your keyboard into doom, or at least try to stop that from happening
  • If you need to express different things, then at least try to make them consistent on platform and limited in scope.
  • This makes our lives easier because we have a set 'no go' to remind ourselves of if we start wandering into traps laid by convenience store style candy bar ideas.
Er. In otherwords, don't do what chaos crow is doing, but it's sort of an improvement over what chaos crow was doing, so it's good.

Because we are chaos crow, we're currently happy with the progress that is 'a few sort of related interesting and shiny ideas' and trying to just do those, and we are very  happy if we can stay on topic for those. 


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