17. Llamas

Melting llama, ho occasionally glows bright pink and may be radioactive. Or maybe tropical llama just looks super normal when their fur is grown out.


Beginnings of Niche explorations:

So while I’ve had a lifelong love of self-help type topics and books along that line, for some reason, none of that sunk in to make me realize that being specific in the niche I pursued would matter. I originally started out just posting art to a site that I knew of, in a very depressed state, for no other reason than to do ‘something’ anything. A random couple of people added me, and the poor things were very enthusiastic to the face of my complete despair. I’d recommend adding

They reach out to incredibly depressed people in relative isolation.  I felt rather terrible cause they sent some very upbeat messages and I was very much not receptive to the interaction, but would like to note that people that do that, while not initially (or perhaps ever) received well, ought to be recognized for putting effort out to talk to people that are broken. (And same for others that attempted to talk to me at that time. The refusal to engage or interact wasn’t personal, simply being done.)

In any case, at some point, after being there for a while, with help from random members of the community who may not have meant to or realized they were helping, I realized that it was possible and worthwhile to explore other avenues that involved trying to monetize whatever talent or skill I did have left or available.

Annndddddd realized that limiting the many possible things I could draw would be more valuable. This is not easy for me, buuutttt sort of tried along with being easily distracted by about a hundred million fucking other things.  At the point of writing this, I'm still pretty un-refined in the niche area.

It's a work in progress. One day we'll make a set of art accounts with a very specific marketable niche, quickly. Or we won't. XD heh.


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