25. Old attempt to draw someone

Sketches, older, didn't use before. Of my cat. 


Applied takeaways from doing that on our Account

After we did that we looked at our accounts (which we’ll talk about later, cause that was it’s own fucking problem with our easily distracted brain.)

These are the problems we found on our account (The absintheart)
Inconsistent across platforms: You are sharing different things in slightly different styles on all the platforms with the same name.
    1. If someone finds you, you probably want them to be able to recommend the same style to wherever, or follow for the same thing wherever, any platform.
    2. At the time of this writing, we're still doing that, but it's all sort of in our 'niche' XD haha.

The top is missing a cover, the side panel is messy and disorganized, and your presented art is of varying styles. If you are looking to build a following, you maybe don’t want to be all over the place with an ugly landing page of chaos and unfinished attempts..
    1. This is different than if you are building a portfolio of different types of art for a job application.
    2. On observing this, we complained a lot about the hackers, who interfered a lot with attempts to finish anything, but moved on.
    3. Most of our primary focused accounts we've at least tried to mess with the presentation of. Some of them are better. It'll be a work in progress for art days.


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