21. Llamas

Ninja llama got shaved. He looks almost the same, just slightly more buff than I was expecting under the fluff.


Landing Page

We found the term ‘Landing Page’ and didn’t know what it meant exactly, so here’ a definition, if you’re like us:

Landing Page: Refers to a page that your audience, visitors, anyone that searches for your account name first opens or ‘lands on’ when approaching you or your product. Your front page, the top of your instagram page, your facebook profile, so on. That would be your landing page.

It’s the most important part of your presentation, ‘cause if you do anything else to bring people or advertise, the first impression matters.

Homework: Go cruise through a bunch of random pages. Find a random art page generator, or a way to be randomly exposed to different art pages. After or during the cruise through, think about whether you clicked around more or not. Favorite the pages you clicked around more, a few, and a few thatyou didn’t. Compare the differences.

What I found:
If their front page showed me something interesting or beautiful, I was much more likely to either favorite, add, or just investigate more. Things that asked a question, were weird or unusual, or were very well presented or amazingly skilled, or personally appealing.


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