16. Llamas

My little Black Llama, doing a prance. Evolution of the form made from the original prancer that I sold.


. These were the considerations I had in mind while trying to do this:

  • Knowing that our attackers and harassers were more technologically proficient than we were/are we are looking for how to remain anonymous while developing a sideline in something we enjoy that we can profit from while working a normal job if we found a physical location where we felt safe.
    • This is relevant for other women we know, as stalkers and harassers are most often male, as are the majority of  proficient coders so we decided to leave it public.
  • I was interested in how to do this from a working class victims stand point who has already been attacked:
    •  low-knowledge base of technology.
    •  low-budget (Working class means Below a living wage for the country they live in.)
    • Most low-level crime convictions were originally victims of unstopped attackers (I think crime studies back this up? read a few about this, so ideally without doing anything illegal that would allow the attackers to further victimize their prey as they try to get away from them.)


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