19. Llamas

Ninja Llama concept. Apparently ninja llama wears red and black, unless he shaves.


Commercialized account observations:

A partial point of trying to develop and maintain a consistent character (Mostly a selection of things we were genuinely interested in and or consistently listened to or felt, just not all of our interests. Our character sheet is primarily us, with a bunch of aspects removed.)

Which is also helpful for our brain which is interested in any and every idea that it knows nothing about, as we need to limit those interests now that we cannot pursue the ones we previously chose as our life due to physical weakness.)    was observations of accounts that ‘recommended’ products on a lot of platforms (including major ones) which appeared to be created shiny, politically clean, likable ‘characters’ as opposed to real people.

We found one who ‘likes this football team’ and was very ‘all-american’, and was just too clean and perfect to be real. It had an account age, but scrolling through the posts it felt like someone writing a character, so I assume people are paid good money to be ‘likable’ characters on social media and people monetize and write lots of those accounts. Following from that, developing a consistent, non-political account is a business oriented move that also fulfills learning to manage how we can be tracked.

Homework for similar people: Go through the recommendations (focus on ones that work with advertising agencies) of businesses and see if it looks like a created account or a genuine person. The clue-ins are whether their accounts are also linked to businesses that are real as employers and so on, but on breif perusal by uncritical observers, they can pass for genuine.


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