
Showing posts from April, 2020

Nuclear Fishtopia.

Schedules and Platform: ToyHouse Page  I like it because it's quiet there. Could be totally made up for all I know, I hadn’t heard of it before hackers.  . Platform:  It’s Primarily character art, adoptables market, character writing and design oriented. Has strong moderation present that is aware of the weird harassers and I think against what they do. Will continue to keep llama herd there. The forums are kind of swamped with promotions, self-promoters and so on, but there is evidence from about 11 months ago of a pod of good writers in the forums. Resources pinned to the top of forum: Breif not indepth perusal suggested they were solid resources focused on growth and improvement of writing or art. No scheduling No analytics. Cool: Place to store character art both yours and someone else's of your character Place to combine writing (I suppose yours or someone else's) with the art of character for development Looks like it...

Dead fish logo

Schedules and Platforms:  Dribbble Dribble I'm not sure this is real, it doesn't come up unless you search for it, hadn’t heard of it before hackers. Platform includes: Professional looking art hosting of the kind you find on professional style products sold in stores or website designs. Non-entertainment industry appearing on a pastel background. It’s like deviantart but with more money required to open more options. Less porn.  Scheduling: If you pay.  Analytics: If you pay.  We’ll probably update less often here. ------

Repeating bat girl

Schedules and Platform Notes: Behance What  lovely tools. melt. If you had a non-corrupt computer, a stylus, money, safety and a security system, that's what I'd use. Or, if you did not need the condition of anonymity or worked around it the other way. As is, not putting effort there on this machine in this time period. Would recommend if you have a non-corrupt computer and no persistent hackers, otherwise wouldn't buy cause hacker’'d probably ruin your stuff and you'd have spent money getting something nice for them to ruin. Unless you're feeling particularly safe, buying anything of value isn't a good idea. Other considerations out for this time period since we won't proceed. Platform: They have nice tools, their own cloud, require paying for a membership so gives you legal grounds to get back in if hacked out as opposed to free registrations not attached to any provable identity and if you are actually professionally pursui...

Original icon commission for aroariel's paid for ych

Schedules and Platforms: Don't post a ton Don't Post a shit ton: Why not:  a. It's annoying and clogs up my feed and no one wants to look at 70 badly drawn pictures all at once. b. Popular on these platforms seem to post one decently developed quality piece a daily or semi-often. c. Odds of people looking at 17 things uploaded in one day are low.  Other side note: a. If your crew is like that, constantly online, constantly posting shit and interacting, that's a different story. You can probably tell if you are getting interactions on all those posts and not just a few of them. ----

Got commissioned, further development

Turned a commission for a valentine's day card into a little animation, just for kicks. A drawing of 's commission -------  PlatForm Scheduling Overview: Avoid too many calls for money Sort of related to scheduling because of 'when you time your calls or advertisements': to avoid over asking.  When every page is plastered with it and every return interaction with the artist is 'HERE IS WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE' it’s a little off putting. It bleeds dry good sentiment if it's constant. You are trying to get people invested and supportive of what you do.  If people don't or can't afford it, they start to feel uncomfortable if every return interaction is 'Money?" or the equivalent. Just under the post in the link at bottom seems reasonable. When it's the majority of your landing page, or posts, it's less so.  Landing Page, working definition: First things people see when they see yo...

Another version of the contest entry

Schedule and Platforms: December Deviantart  We hadn't been around art stuff for a while, so we started with deviantart, ‘cause it was where we posted art as a teenager. These were are take-aways: 1. Have a strong product. Make something worth looking at. 2. Do a critical, work on what you want to improve, have some sort of plan for growth 3. Hide your flaws, Presentation flaws cost money.  Once you start looking for it, it's crazy (and vaguely reassuring) How many talented artists consistently hide or don't draw complex parts of human anatomy, yet still make art that is really enjoyable to look at.  It's also strange to realize that your impression of two equally proficient artists can be very different based on what they choose to share. The brave share their flaws as well, I guess, but I'm not sure it pays off for them. My takeaway is that ‘respect’ for skill is based on whether people pick up on where the presenter is flawed. Hiding it...

Further development of contest entry

 Deviantart November/December Notes: Sum of Five people comparison More notes from deviantart: Art brain: We are the  sum of five artists who you spend the most time staring at the art of: Reminder of insulating social media bubbles: If you surround yourself with artists that are weaker or at the same level, you're gonna either not realize your art's flaws and or not be inspired. Make a conscious decision to seek artists or exposure to the art of artists that are better than where you're at. ----

Another one of my attempts for lord of all monsters contests.

  Thoughts on platform discimination here: It is most interesting because I witnessed it's evidence and applause in great amounts surrounding and leading up to the trump election---and, similarly, that was the time where we had the most out-of-country interference on our social media platforms surrounding the election? Basically the use of our own citizens to destroy the framework of progress that was or has been made in our country, if you consider as progress 'a frame work where many or all people of several different types are defended equally, or attempts to build and protect such a framework.  Basically use of business to dismantle democracy with crowds cheering---silencing people you disagree with being...the anti-thesis of democracy? Not sure i I know what democracy really means. I associate it with voices for all. Not sure that is a correct association. When twitter or facebook or google employees actively silence those with political agendas they (however...

More for the contest

 Scheduling and Platform: Noted Problems Section For individual pages, to continue in the future as habit, later: Whether you notice discriminatory actions based on politics or emotion that appear to be coming from the platform itself.  Discriminatory actions from the community in the platform are not important for this sheet, more interested in if they shut people down from inside the workings of the company/developers side, because that's illegal for companies based in the US or if not in law yet, could and should be a protection put in place. It is also several orders of magnitude greater in terms of 'evil' than simply vocalizing dislike.  It basically silences and allows for destruction of an entire group of ideology, which if you historically supported things like equal rights, women voting, lgbtq freedom, religious freedom, ect (for americans) You should disagree with that practice even for your 'enemies' ideologically. If you can't dis...

One of many attempts to draw for a contest.

Drawn for one of contests. Went through several sketches for this one. Schedule and platforms:  Synopsis More or less cause we didn't internet much for a while:  Breif description of the platform. What it is capable of or provides, what it makes us think of, what it appears to have going on or the feel of the audience or people using it.  What it offers. If we felt like putting the effort in, where it is on how many people use it ranks and stuff, but our internet is corrupt so let’s not.

Practicing drawing men, 3

Another attempt to draw a male portrait using fingers and online programs. --------- Schedule and Platforms: Analytics Chaos crow finds this aspect fascinating the most, cause it is unknown. Like scheduling, you can usually find access in the business, advertising side of the websites. It may or may not be free.  I really want to buy an ad at some point, they appear cheap, but that's complex under the constraints. (cheap as in 30 dollars for a month of some increased exposure) which is something most people could reasonably afford working lowerclass jobs. It's probably not a good idea if you haven't got your website polished and art makeup on and have a good product---You might just get extra views and a lot of disgust. My stuff is not the level that an ad would make sense for yet, but for a very specific themed niche it could possibly make a lot of sense and is in reach for most individuals. The analytics, for now, we're just seeing th...

Practicing drawing men, two.

It's hard to draw humans from memory sometimes, I like how close I got with this one. --------------- Schedules and Platforms: In platform scheduling. Important cause: Time.  And we need to spend less time going to platforms and fighting with the machine. Commonly found in the 'advertising' or business side of accounts, seems like. Goal here is to set up posts for three month increments for now. If you don't (which we don't really and are unlikely to acquire on this computer under these constraints) have a good product, the value of leaving your account autoposting might be worthless. If you have a strong one, as in art people might appreciate for it's existence, it is more likely to be of benefit without additional effort. For chaos crows, and possibly everyone (as college mimics this sort of structure and historically people value that and it is considered to work,) this also allows us to step away from intense pursuit of a topic to let...

Working on ability to draw dudes.

I'm not very good at drawing men, I don't usually draw them, so I've been practicing them a lot. One of the attempts, based on someone I knew that showed up a lot in my sketchbook. ------------ Schedule and Platform: Finding other people learning same things. Random side thought trail sparked by some random thing I read somewhere: Orchestra article and actually operating without bias as a goal for a person. If one of your goals as a person is to live and act without valuing external or unchosen traits--to value good things and things worth valuing, like how someone acts or what they choose to do. With which the internet is possible, and with anonymity.  Weirdly, for equality, in  visual art of this type, you would choose anonymity as a constraint. All the resources (if good ones are kept visible equally) are the same (minus money and time constraints li...

Art Trade!

I did an art Trade with To get one of his swords for my character I traded art for on adoptables/ What good is a warrior woman without a magic sword, after all, or well, she needed a sword for her specific mission. --------- Schedule and Platform: Art Day. Art day: Interactions with people are terrible things full of possibilities of trauma and possible attack. This as a given, we will try to limit those, as well as conserve energy by trying to only do those a few times a week in full force. Or once a week. Or maybe we can get it to like once a month. Each platform is a little different in how you can find and interact with people interested in the same things. Part of familiarizing yourself with them is to find those different types and places to interact. Finding a group of people that is decent and focused on similar things is worth the time. Not getting distracted and horribly drained by doing so is a little ...

Moon Petals

---------------- Schedules and Platforms: Niche section on Sheet We’re just putting our specific niche in here so that since we can’t narrow it down and just pick one, we can at least attempt to be specific in one page. One day we’ll stop being an idiot and just have one simple thing that we do. Hopefully the next run. Probably not, knowing us.

Skull Logo By Itself

Information we collected about each Platform: 1. Does it have the ability to schedule posts? How far out in advance? Do you have to pay for it? 2. Does it have statistics in platform about your post and how it is shared? Does it connect to google analytics to track all of this in one place? Do you have to pay for access to google analytics? 3. What is a brief synopsis of what the platform offers? What makes it unique? What crowds seem most prevalent? Does it offer similar or different functionality than the others? 4. What and how much do you get if you pay for a membership? 5. Noted discriminatory behavior on part of the platform and thoughts about how to best track and categorize. 

Skulls for Mothers Alternate version

 Schedule and Platforms: Basic info to colle ct Some of these platforms we'd never used before So first things first How to upload and post What sorts of art is typical, what kinds of collections are common How to add people and express appreciation for their art. What various buttons do. God why are there so many buttons Because if there weren’t someone would show up and ask for them Our specific niche to post: In part to keep us from distraction and shiny buttons and pictures of endless scrolling doom and forgetting what we were working on. Distraction limiting. SELF we are only making this kind of art, stop going to look or draw all the other interesting things. Personal struggle here. Eternal, forever, so many and so shiny the things to look at and do. On Art Day: Another effort stop our distractable self exploring interesting and shiny art trails Since most growth requires social time and we become very drained by this, an attempt to ...