Another one of my attempts for lord of all monsters contests.


Thoughts on platform discimination here:

It is most interesting because I witnessed it's evidence and applause in great amounts surrounding and leading up to the trump election---and, similarly, that was the time where we had the most out-of-country interference on our social media platforms surrounding the election?

Basically the use of our own citizens to destroy the framework of progress that was or has been made in our country, if you consider as progress 'a frame work where many or all people of several different types are defended equally, or attempts to build and protect such a framework. 

Basically use of business to dismantle democracy with crowds cheering---silencing people you disagree with being...the anti-thesis of democracy? Not sure i I know what democracy really means. I associate it with voices for all. Not sure that is a correct association. When twitter or facebook or google employees actively silence those with political agendas they (however strongly) disagree with--we lose democracy. When they shut down businesses, the same. Those are realities in america, at least. They were not even hidden. They were cheered for.

*If you cheer for the above article, you cannot complain if a democrat wins the election and is silenced on social media platform for a longer time period. Half the country voted for the one above or whatever. Or you can, but it’s pretty shitty and unfair, and so on.  Setting one standard for people you support and another for people you dislike sounds a lot like natzis. Our bernie, don’t you mess with him, but it’s totaly fine for us to silence your trump. That’s how fair and equal minded people act, right? It’s not that I support trump, or bernie. I just don’t support: Silencing voices of your opposition, or just people you dislike.

So basically, the brainwashing enacted by these campaigns entered the mindset of the programmers maintaining platforms, so that they enacted anti-american actions against their own people. That's what you are describing evidence of, sort of.

Basically, they made terrorists out of our own in country citizens to enact harm and attacks on their countrymen. XD Some genius somewhere is steepling their fingers and saying 'Why fight a war when you can get them to fight themselves like cancer and do alllll your dirty work for you?'

More on discriminatory platforms:

Crow is :
Against making people’s displays or platform use be curated by a crowd emotion or political stance.
  • For vocalizing disagreement or having whatever opinion,
  •  not for 'stalks them into every place they go to tell them they are bad for existing.' way.

Trancendental crow get chill as fuck.


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