
  1. Monetization

Since the general point of this is survival enhancement,  This part is important XD

We don't have a bank account (bank accounts must be attached to your name for the most part, which your unknown (or known) internet assailants have). There are other workarounds for this, but we are not including those as an option for this. (Re: Many criminals end up being that because of unstopped attackers. They are viable routes to survival, but for now they are not included in what we are looking at. Survival being more important, almost always, than laws for almost any individual. )

So we check all of these to see if we can set them up without legally attaching our name and thus attracting the attention of our attackers:

These ones cannot be used without using your legal name, based on a quick check:

Society 6
Other similar platforms.

All of these can be removed from consideration for this set of accounts.

Where we can take a form of payment and pay a form of payment:

Deviantart points.
Reddit Points.
Freecycle type websites
No-buy networks.
Products bought off deviantart with points and placed in real-life small venues.
Cash sales in local networks

Deviantarts point system is our working currency that we can use.
  • All satellite sites under this account name should lead back to the commission page or products there.
  • At some point, under google analytics, that should be our monetization funnel dealio-thing-we-don't-quite-understand-yet. 

Funnel:  Current working assumption, this is making all sites lead back to where you can get money out of it. 

For time purposes, we remove the other platforms, their purpose would just be exposure and meeting people. ( If you can ever manage to not piss people off which, we will probably be hopeless at forever, we're just lucky that way these days. Not sure we can fix that, probably not going to try.)


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