Nuclear Fishtopia.

Schedules and Platform: ToyHouse Page 

I like it because it's quiet there.
Could be totally made up for all I know, I hadn’t heard of it before hackers. 
It’s Primarily character art, adoptables market, character writing and design oriented. Has strong moderation present that is aware of the weird harassers and I think against what they do.

Will continue to keep llama herd there.

The forums are kind of swamped with promotions, self-promoters and so on, but there is evidence from about 11 months ago of a pod of good writers in the forums.
Resources pinned to the top of forum: Breif not indepth perusal suggested they were solid resources focused on growth and improvement of writing or art. No scheduling
No analytics.

Place to store character art both yours and someone else's of your character
Place to combine writing (I suppose yours or someone else's) with the art of character for development
Looks like it has a place to host whatever created Roleplays you want in privacy possibly
Probably also a decent place for co-writing stories with remote co-writers.
I don't know much about adoptables however :
        Concept of records of ownership transfer of an idea that is truly unique or so on: Solid

         If you going to adoptable and are small and unknown without a vicious fanbase to defend you, it's probably a good place to upload initial concepts.


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