Chemical Valley Skull girls

Schedules and Platforms: Time Streamline :  gas station candy bars.

Whys to streamline visits or limit them:
Same as getting caught in the spend 100s of a dollars a month at gas stations buying a daily coffee, but your time, emotional energy, and thoughts are the equivalent of money. 

Here I am in the grocery store to buy my rice and beans and maybe some spices. Oh, suddenly, an endcap with zebra cakes. 

... I'm gonna get fucking zebra cakes...

 I deserve a whole box of fucking zebra cakes you know how long it's been since I ate a whole box of zebra cakes...

Hell yes ben and jerries too and maybe some wine and fuck goddamnit get out get out get out

... then all the sudden a month later your like 'goddamnit. What the fuck. I don't even buy ice cream.Or wine unless I need to do something social with lots of people in it. How did I just spend this much fucking money on icecream and wine agh agh agh 

Random Art site:

Suddenly spend 2 hours clicking on things. Time: wasted, the horror, and it’s literally fucking icecream and hot tamales: I learned nothing. I gained nothing. I just fucking giggled about fucking cute cats and maybe fed my soul on some pretty art 


Not like we’re that much more productive elsewhere, but. Don’t go in there. 

Only when you need to feed your soul. Your soul does not need icecream, wine, and hot tamales every day. Or reddit or imagur or pinterest or beautiful artworks from curated lists of loveliness.

The most reasonable course:

 Find some app that consolidates all the platforms you use and replies to their interactions so you don't even visit the websites.

What we will actually do:
Try to learn each website and what it has available and what sort of stuff is there, trip all over the place, get hacked, piss off any and everyone that talks to us,  and just generally be unproductive, waste time, and possibly get ourselves into trouble.

 Because why:

Don’t ask me, I’m just here. Clicking buttons. Typing stuff. 


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