Texas skull

Texas skull without a background.


More rambling about niche and how we suck at being very specific and picking and focusing on just one anything, which is currently the entirety of our lives, but not a bad thing Technically, we've stayed VERY focused on art and this for way the fuck too long, considering all the hackers, attacks, interferences and so on. So way to go self XD
What is your specific niche or what you want to accomplish with these art pages.

Be very very specific and limited. Especially if you are a chaos crow distracted by any and all new shiny ideas.

This is helpful in establishing things and people and groups to watch. 

Character art of various types. Specifically, Llamas, Anthropromorphic, Graphic Novels, Nuclear Fishtopia, and Art about learning to draw better or learning new concepts related to creating better art.

 We are aware this is not specific enough, but for XD us, it is progress and plenty.

Technically, each of these should be their own account, with only these topics posted about, for any account that has a lean towards monetization. For future notes, pick one. Just one. Don't do this again. This is very bad for this purpose, but a very good bad example, which is somethiing we need.

Technically, for these purposes, you could should if you weren’t a chaos crow post just your tumblr sketches on all of the accounts. You could finish those quickly and you improve so it’s fine. Not great, but fine. (In interest of time.)

What character or footprint you want this account to have:

This is helpful in establishing things and people and groups to watch.

Avoiding politics. Don't need the noise and emotion, am too tired leave that for healthy people. 
Don’t follow or interact if you smell politics leave.

Things you are allowed to like:
Character art, adoptables cute art, and also skulls.
Cats, stephen king, walking dead, marvel comics, piper thibodeau, ashipwright, young adult authors, some women hero stuff
Stories, characters, writing. In the themes you like and want to mentally reinforce. 

You want a memorable name that fits and is consistent across platforms.
Currently, tuesday alloway / theabsintheart. 

Tuesday alloway is staying, might be reasonable to change the username if possible, but check all accounts to see if it's possible, otherwise disregard, it's not that important.


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