Two of the pirates from : https://www.deviantart.com/axlreigns Go check out their story! ---------------- . Tumblr analytics notes https://tumblr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/230864187-Google-Analytics https://tumblr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/223857628-Appearing-in-search-results Reblogs (If er not to someone’s currently dead end blog of things they like that isn’t shared with anyone are like networking: This is one of us, push up.) If you reblog something, (say you are primarily a reblog tumblr) your tumblr, if the post trends, won’t really get anything from it. But if you are a reblog tumblr that is thematically consistent and you post stuff that a certain audience likes, you may get followers who like that sort of thing. The top page or front page (do people go there? I assume yeah.) is posts that get lots of notes, which you can get from reblogs. First five tags matter the most, then the top 20, so if you use more than that it’s probably a was...