Nuclear Fishtopia

 Random thoughts 

Notifications: 17 posts from this person.
Self: Nah I am not looking at 17 posts I barely know this person.
Also Self: Looks anyway.  Suddenly exhausted. Why. So much energy lost right here. Maybe we should take a nap. Maybe we should take ten naps. Maybe it’s the end of today. I can’t go on.

Introverts : Look at social media, post progressively less
Extroverts: Look at social media, post progressively more.
Introverts: jesus fucking christ though

Introverts: Why do you say 17 things no one is gonna respond back anyway
Extroverts: Bubbles, joy, excitement, someone talked to me! HELLO! HOW ARE YOU!
Introvert: Oh god. stop. Exhausted. I’m actually sorry. I can’t.
Extrovert: What did I do wrong? 
Introvert’s next interaction with anyone:  i hate people. Not you specifically.. hi. How are you. Can this end.

Ambivert:  My life is a fucking mess. Oh you're an introvert? HERE LET ME TALK AT YOU NONSTOP. Oh you're an extrovert? You overwhelm me with your talking,

Introvert pretending to be an extrovert because it pays better in america to be one: I think I'm done with this. I have like 10 years of introversion to catch up on.
Extroverts: Where ya going XD come back more words more words hello how your hello hello hello hello hello hello,
Introvert: Oh god make it stop
Introverts: I...I...don't...have...the please stoppppp......
Extroverts: WHAT A FUCKING PRICK. SO RUDE. We were being nice, you know.
Introvert: Yes. Worst asshole in the world. You really don't want to talk to me. Promise. I'll be rude as fuck and probably hurt your feelings immediately.

Extroverts: Feelings hurt. Why don't they like us? Maybe try more smiling and bubbles?
Introvert: Oh goddamnit look I just cannot I'm sorry It’s AGH Aagh agh agh look you’re awesome, you’re totally great, just look please find another one like you and caw at it incessantly ok…

Introvert with a inner soul that is a bubbly ass child somewhere on the planet: I'm very sorry, this ghost likes you and it comes and try to talk at you through whatever body it can, It's not me, I'm sorry, it's just in here too and it adores you, apparently, and just wants to talk to you. A lot. Non-stop.
Other introvert: If you come near me again I am literally going to kill you.

Introvert hiding from the bubbly extrovert: I HATE YOU LEAVE ME ALONE

Extrovert: I think we need to hold an intervention on the introvert it's not talking to people. There's clearly something wrong. All of us together let's talk to it. Everyone smile and talk a lot about topics it likes.
Introvert: They are trying to kill me. halp. I'm now exhausted for the entire week.

Friend, also mostly an introvert: I haven't talked to many people this week, and we trust each other, right? Talks non-stop for 4-6 hours. Leaves feeling refreshed cause introverts need to talk to people too, but sometimes there aren't good options to talk too.
Other introvert: I can't hangout again I'm sorry (actually sorry, just can't, you have no idea how tired, not dislike can't tired tired )
Friend: reverts to 'when finds someone trusts, who listens, talks a lot'
Other introvert: Oh god I do that too. XD shit. we have to spread this out so the one lonely introvert gets the appropriate amount without draining their people.

Introvert: Fully charged and sort of chipper, walks into the room.
Extrovert: Glinty eyes and full of hapiness to spread some chit chat joy approaches. Talks. Is full of joy and happiness and a truly lovely ray of sunshine and charm. 
Introvert: Alright empty, it’s been thirty minutes of us smiling and exchanging conversation.
Other introvert: Hey whats up?
Introvert: Death. Where is the coffee. Glower. I dislike everyone. 

Introvert in panic attack: WHATS UP.
All other introverts:  Clearly an extrovert.
Introvert in panic attacks left in giant room full of happy glinty eyed extroverts: halp. Dying. Where is the bathroom. Need a cigarette.


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