More crossbones.

Pretty sure that working on this I had a ton of interfernce from whoever. It was super frustrating. Ah, well. At least I finished it. 
Stories are here for these characters.

  1. Trying to stay safe 

Since we’re operating on the assumption that at some point our attackers will find us again even if we manage to disappear for a while, some thoughts on safe practices.

Email considerations, probably what you should start with:

Make an account email for this project, seperate from the accounts that have education/bank account logins, similar. Assuming you have a normal job (like grocery store or gas station, or whatever, and you don’t just go cash only, keep that separate. If you’re not completely broke, maybe even a separate cheap device if you think you’re more likely to end up on small websites or opening corrupt stuff.)

Art is or can be worldwide, if you actually get any prominence, you don’t want attacks or stalkers to be able to find your location, or for your primary important accounts to be directly linked to the same email and login information. 

Stalkers are great customers. Loyal and all that. Rabid fans, I guess is another name for it, but


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