Nuclear Fishtopia

Schedules and Platforms: End notes

Sooo...Still more buttons to press but, in the interest of time and moving on to a different project for a while, this is our consolidated working plan:

1. Attempting to schedule 3 months out in advance for

  • Deviantart
  • Tumblr
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Blogspot

Before leaving for a while and trying to only come around every couple of days to notification return and so on.

Less often:
  • Artstation
  • Dribble
  • Imagur
  • Youtube
  • Wordpress
  • Reddit
  • Toyhouse

With all of them, attempting to stay in niche and follow art day plan for growth with time limited to 10-15 hours a week. Will probably keep drawing daily on paper instead of online, where it takes longer with the interference of whoever draws in the things we're using to draw, well meaning or otherwise.

Wrap up of Thoughts on this:

Focusing on new platforms for scheduling and analytics and in the future having a niche or plan picked that we can somehow force ourselves to stay on will make this process shorter. Goal would probably be to set this up like this in a 3 day weekend with a bank of art developed offline, first.

If you usually have hackers hit your devices and can pick one up with a decent art program on and stay offline while you make all your art, then get online, set up accounts, schedule all posts, logout of most of the accounts, you probably limit their window for attack and save yourselves an estimated 5-6 months of time fighting hackers to do the simplest things. 


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